Who is being deceived? |
Corrie ten Boom said that those who teach the pre-tribulation
rapture of the Church are the ones Jesus was talking about
when He said that many would come in His name, deceiving
Nate Krupp, who runs Preparing the Way Publishers, in Salem,
Oregon, relates that in 1976 Corrie ten Boom personally shared
with him that the Chinese Christians had been taught a pre-tribulation
rapture. When the Communist take-over came in 1949-50, many
believers fell away. The Christian leaders of China later confessed to
Corrie ten Boom that they had taught their congregations wrongly, and
repented of their teaching. This testimony indicates that the
teaching has been evaluated in one of the world's largest harvest-fields,
and has been found lacking. It does not witness to reality during times
of persecution, and becomes a stumbling stone to the saints who believe it.
John Mathew Thekkel M.A.,Ph.D. (Dr .Sunny Ezhumattoor) writes:
"Today 100% of Pentecostals, 98% of Plymouth Brethren, and 95% of Southern Baptists accept the doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture."
Are you one of the millions being deceived?
Don't be left behind the truth
1 Corrie Ten Boom, "Preparing for the Coming Tribulation," End Times News Digest, Sept. 1996, Issue 216. "There are some among us teaching there will be no tribulation, that the Christians will be able to escape all this. These are the false teachers Jesus was warning us to expect in the later days..."