PROPHECIES NOW in process of fulfillment

There are currently millions of Christians being
deceived...because Jesus said so in the Olivet Discourse, His great
sermon about last day events...

6000 Years of Earth's Travail: A study of the
final years of the third planet from the Sun before its soon destruction and

1a. The prophecy of the 13th
chapter of Revelation encapsulates what is probably the single most important
prophetic message, practically speaking, for the United States in the late 1990's. This
includes a section on the mysterious number, well-known to students of prophecy, 666.

1b.The 8th
chapter of the prophet Daniel is of equal practical importance. Students of Bible
prophecy are generally so hyped about Israel being the locus of Bible prophecy, they skip
over these powerful prophecies.

1c.The destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. was a horrible
catastrophe. The suffering was incredible. Jesus had prophesied it four decades before it
happened. That prophesy and the reality of the horrible event it accurately predicted are
a grave parable of Jesus' words as they relate to the end of the world. This
history is prophecy!

1d. Have you ever wondered how an antichristian beast power--which
almost all students of Bible Prophecy see as a powerful entity soon to arise--could set up
the engine of persecution which the Scriptures indicate? While some conservatives are
complaining at how Christian values have vanished from the center of American life, it is
undeniable that there are millions of professing Christians and an increasing array of
powerful Christian political groups such as the Christian
Coalition (and the Religious Right generally) who are within the American
mainstream. How could any scenario come about which would allow widespread persecution of
these Christians? There are large numbers of them, and they have shown themselves to be
politically powerful. This was certainly not true for the early Christians who were
persecuted in the Roman empire. Check out the selection The Impending Conflict.
Hint: It is often religious powers with strong political clout that dish out the
persecution. The Jewish Church persecuted their prophets, including Jesus. The Catholic
Church directed the Inquisition. Jesus said that those who persecute you and put you to
death will think they are doing service to God.
1e. Another pretty good resource on the outworking of prophecy in the present is the
material of Larry Wilson, available from Wake Up America
Seminars, Inc., while speculative in relation to its heavy dependence upon the belief
that a meteor crash on the earth will be responsible for most of the calamities prophesied
in the book of Revelation, is, nonetheless Biblically based and not denominationally

Stay tuned!
Events prophesied 2500 years ago soon to occur!